About Us
Welcome to PodiMe
PodiMe is an Australian owned foot care company, established by podiatrists which provide podiatrist and health care professionals with high quality foot care products.
PodiMe has designed its own “Podiatrist only innersole” which is only available to podiatrists for their patients. The Innersole was designed by podiatrists providing a firm arch support, which aims at reducing stress on surrounding tissues. This provides comfort to your feet, consequently alleviating foot discomfort. It is of fundamental importance that a podiatrist fits you with your innersole as they are trained with great emphasis on lower limb health. The majority of their work is around the foot and ankle in diagnosing and treating a wide range of foot conditions.
At PodiMe we pride ourselves in offering our practitioners with foot care products of the highest quality, ensuring they can sell them to their patients with confidence.
A note from our founder, Dr Andrew Sharkawi (Podiatrist)
The number one most common thing my patients come to me about is pain in their feet or heels first thing in the morning.
➤ Yes, it may subside after a few minutes, but it always comes back and it always feels worse.
➤ It’s called plantar fasciitis and it affects a huge amount of people.
➤ The worst thing you can do is ignore the pain! It will get worse over time and ignoring it could have serious repercussions.
➤ Your legs, your back, your neck and even your overall wellbeing may be impacted.
➤ As a podiatrist, I see so many disappointing, knock off innersoles that simply do not help people, if anything they make things worse and it frustrates me.
➤ This is why I created Podime, with a vision to provide professional quality that is accessible every day.
➤ The innersole slips really easily into your shoe, and its extra cushioning means it provides support to your posture while being really comfortable too.
➤ The arch of your foot really benefits from it too, because it works with your foot to alleviate pressure on your surrounding muscles and tissues, which soothes discomfort to keep you functioning better for longer.
I hope this innersole can help you, and everybody that uses it.