Bunions: What Causes Them? And What Can You Do About Them?

So, first off, what are bunions exactly? Bunions are when the bones in the front portion of your foot become misplaced, causing a bony bump to form at the base of your big toe. Bunions on the foot can be painful and irritating. Additionally, bunionettes can also develop on the joint of your little toe.
While products on the market and treatment options will not cure or get rid of bunions, they can help slow down the progression and manage the symptoms. Most bunions start small and can be barely noticeable. However, simply wearing the wrong shoes or leaving them untreated can lead to pain and problems. At the end of the day, the only way to truly cure a bunion is to have a bunionectomy.
But let’s dive into this topic a bit further. How can you manage your bunion symptoms? What else should you know?
Can Bunions Go Away?
Bunions can only go away with surgical treatment. However, there are many ways to help relieve some of the symptoms that accompany bunions, especially if you employ them early enough. Some of these include:
Proper Footwear
Proper footwear is crucial to having healthy feet. Ensuring your shoes have proper support and plenty of space will help prevent the toes from rubbing together.
Shoes should have proper arch support and shouldn’t have high heels beyond one inch. If bunions run in your family, avoid wearing flip-flops. Since there is no arch support, you put a lot of pressure on your big toe joint.
A few products on the market, like shoe inserts, can help create extra padding in your footwear, helping to cushion and relieve pain in your toe joint. Seeking out specially-made shoes for bunions in Australia might be an excellent place to look as well. (It’s also recommended to shoe shop in the evening when your feet are most swollen and inflamed.)
Having Proper Support
Having proper support is critical when it comes to bunions. If you have flat feet, your feet aren’t properly aligned, or you have poor posture, bunions can happen. Ensuring you wear insoles to support your arch can help prevent them and manage symptoms. However, if you’re looking a little more, speak to a professional, like a podiatrist, or visit a medical supply store and get a professional opinion. If you’re concerned about bunions worsening, or you’re already in a lot of pain, a custom-made pair of shoes or orthotics may further be a suitable option.
Taking Pain Relievers
Using over-the-counter pain medications, such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, aspirin, and naproxen can help manage your pain. Your doctor may also be willing to do cortisone injections, depending on you, your health, and your condition.
Applying Ice
If you’re on your feet a lot, you’ll likely find that the area can become quite painful and inflamed. If this sounds like you, consider using ice packs to help reduce some pain and inflammation. Ice for 10 to 15 minutes at a time, a few times a day, with at least 45 minutes in between each application. However, this might not be suitable for everyone. You should consult your doctor if you have poor circulation in your feet, reduced sensation, or are diabetic.
Resting and Elevating the Affected Limb
When you’re not on your feet, make sure you’re elevating your affected limb. Taking short breaks often when you’re on your feet a lot can help relieve some of the pressure on the big toe. Soaking your feet in warm water with Epsom salts can further help relax the area and reduce some swelling and discomfort.
Stretching and Massage
Stretching your toes can help reduce the pressure on them. If you’re wearing shoes all day at work, take some breaks from your shoes and wiggle your toes around. When you’re at home, you can try using toes spacers or bunion guard separators to help reduce tension and pressure.
You can also use bunion guards in your shoes to help prevent further irritation. Going for pedicures or foot massages can further offer significant relief in reducing pressure. If this isn’t available to you, using a tennis ball under your foot is an effective way to massage it.
Losing Weight
When you are carrying extra weight, it can have a significant impact on your feet. Every time you take a step or move during exercise, you add pressure to your feet.
The heavier you are, the more pressure that goes into your big toe. The more pressure that is on the big toe, the more likely a bunion is to occur. Thus, finding a healthy way to obtain a healthy weight can work wonders for reducing bunion pain and improving your overall quality of life.
Taking Proper Care of Your Feet
Pampering your feet and being proactive about their well-being should be part of your regular self-care routine. Keep them moisturized, get them massaged, elevate them, soak them with Epsom salts, and enjoy every moment. Simply put: The better you care for your feet, the less likely you’ll have issues!
How Do You Get Rid of Bunions Without Surgery?
If the typical remedies don’t help reduce your pain, you might need surgery. While most doctors won’t repair bunions for cosmetic reasons alone, you may be a candidate if you are in significant pain and your bunions impede your daily life.
Without surgery, bunions can only be managed, and the symptoms can be treated. Many of these treatment methods can help slow the progression of the bunion and prevent severe pain. Yet, being proactive with caring for your feet can ensure you don’t have to combat pain later on down the road.
Bunions Be-Gone!
While you might not be able to rid your feet of bunions for good, many products, such as PodiMe’s Foot Bunion Pads, can help alleviate the symptoms and reduce your pain. And remember, keeping your feet in tip-top shape is the best way to prevent pain and lead an active, healthy, and happy life!
If you’re searching for high-quality products to care for your foot pain or condition, look no further than PodiMe. Shop now, so you can feel better tomorrow!